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Meet Carrie Ann Inaba the very glamorous judge of the hit show “Dancing with the Stars”. Carrie Ann is not just a pretty face she is also a talented choreographer who is not afraid to speak her mind. In this interview Carrie Ann shares some of her beauty secrets and her upcoming projects including a new show on ABC: Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann.

I keep my hair beautiful thanks name3. gif to. . . Anna Maria Orzano & Ernesto Estrada. Anna Maria does my hair on the show. Ernesto has colored and cut my hair for about 10 years.

I use Terax Conditioner which is a life saver for my hair which is naturally coarse and wavy. I love almost all serums for my hair. Name3. gif . .

My favorite skincare products are. . . DHC Olive Oil for my face. Jojoba Oil for my body. Papaya Enzyme Mask (from Hawaii). Origins EYe Mask. Phenix lip balm. Sheer Cover Duo Tone Concealer (The best!!!)

Benefit Jiffy Tan - for when I am on the show. It is a tinted body moisturizer that washes off. Just takes you a shade darker. And on the show under those bright lights, you can look washed out. So it adds a bit more color on my body. I love the color. . .

I get my eyelashes looking long, full, and sexy using. . . Shu Uemura Eye lash curler, Mac "Liza" Eyelashes made by a wonderful makeup artist by the name of and Benefit mascara

The best lip-gloss I ever owned… I still love Mac Lip Glass clear.

My signature fragrance is. . . Amber/Coconut / Patchouli oil. All together or seperate.

My number one beauty secret is. . . Mints for fresh breath and lip gloss and moisturizer for the body. . To me name3. gif, I feel looking natural and healthy is the best way to look.

When i'm not on the show, I don't usually wear a lot of make up.

The celebrity I find most beautiful is. . . Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and Diane Lane

My favorite way to relax… Sit in my backyard with my boyfriend and cats reading the [name3. gif] newspaper, having a cup of coffee.

But I do love to get my bio-sync massages as well!

I am currently working on. . . A new ABC show with Bruno called Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann. Creating a brand new Las Vegas show and developing multicultural programming for children.

Beauty Interviews would like to thank Carrie Ann so much for sharing with us some of her secrets. You can learn more about Carrie and Dance War at

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